The photo above o' the bear sittin' on a chair
was the bear I gave to Becky when we met.
It seemed appropriate since she was at the
Ronald McDonald House of Childrens Hospital
where her daughter Rachel was stayin'
because her son Jordan was born premature
and couldn't come home quite yet.
I decided the bear would make the perfect webset
for my page in tribute to our first offline meeting.
I truly enJOYed our visit!
And I'm sure there will be many more
especially since she lives only a couple o' hours from me!
(That's 5 Ohio sissies, we need to have a buckeye reunion!)
I had a few more pics
but the one above is my favorite.
Actually, the others are quite similar
since the gal takin' them really just
snapped a bunch of us all at once.
And my digital wasn't cooperatin' real well.
Becky & I had a great time
just gettin' to know each other a bit.
We talked about our kids, our lives, our fellas.
We talked o' past dreams, hopes & heartaches.
We talked o' the love we have for our WWAUS Sissies
how much we want to meet them all
and how delighted we are to have such
wondrous women as our sisters by choice!
We went shoppin,
Becky needed to find a Pooh photo album.
She did! And a baby book, too!
Poor thing, I even got us a li'l lost
which isn't hard for me to do!
I got the opportunity
to feel what it's like to need a wheelchair.
I certainly don't maneuver that thing
as well as Becky does!
Doubt I ever would,
remember, I'm the gal who hates to drive!
I admire Becky so
for not lettin' that wheelchair keep her down.
She seems like a pretty active lady!
I got to meet Rachel,
mother of wee Jordan,
Becky's 1st grandchild, hoorayo!
I didn't get to meet the wee one today.
I'll be back to visit him soon, though,
when I'm sure I won't give him any germs.
Li'l fella's healthy but since he's a preemie
he needs a bit more care than some newborns.
"Golden Ray"
Midi used with permission And is composed and sequenced by Mary Hession
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Your cooperation is appreciated.
© 2000-present Ruth Cox