This page idea came from subject matter I read at Beliefnet
This was #7 from the article, "10 Simple Soul Exercises" by Rabbi Brian
Imagine you open your inbox and find an email with the subject line: An email from God.
What do you imagine the message would contain?
Praise? Condemnation?
An answer to a question that you've been asking?
Advice? A forwarded joke?
What about your response?
What would you write back?
How would you sign it?
©2008 Ruth Cox aka abitosunshine
"O' ye o' little faith Woman!
Haven't I been with you always?
I have carried you through many a storm and I shall continue to do so.
However, bein' a Believer is not must BELIEVE.
Faith without work is disbelief, so get off your butt.
Work harder...go the distance.
I shall be by your side.
Continue to use the gifts I've given thee...
Use thy words to continue spreadin' my sunshine.
I promise, it shall be returned to you tenfold.
And yes, one day you'll join me in Heaven.
And yes, your Tidbit will be there with us,
As will your loved ones who art Believers also.
And then, my child, peace will be thine.
Ruthi, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;
Your walls are ever before me.
Now go, in faith, and in works...fulfill the destiny I've written for thee."
Lord, here I am again, your crazy redhead.
I know that faith without works is surely dead.
But you're gonna have to keep remindin' me,
As I'm gettin' old & awf'ly tired ya see.
I'll tote your words with me ev'rywhere I go
For they shall soothe my spirit, this I do know.
As for sunshine returnin' to me tenfold,
Friends you lend me prove this is no tale you've told.
You've certainly graced me with a bit o' cheer
Lettin' me know my Tidbit will e'er be near.
I'll carry on with your message in my heart,
Gain strength in the love you readily impart,
Leave fear behind with each risin' o' the sun.
'Til we meet in Heaven, thy will shall be done.
Ev'ry mornin' I shall open up my eyes,
Come to you as Ruthi...I need no disguise.
I'd love to add your Email from God & your Response on this page.
Just send it to me in an email & it will be JOYfully added here.
OR, if you have an "Email from God" on your personal website,
I'd be just as happy to list your page link here at abitosunshine.
Your response need not be poetic, any format o' the heart works.
"Hello God" by Dolly Parton
is for your listening pleasure only.
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Created by abitosunshine
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©2000-Present, Ruth Cox