HUNT 4 SUN...at abitosunshine
You're about to have yourself a wee bit o' fun
Searchin' abitosunshine in a Hunt 4 Sun!
If you succeed a sunny award you'll have won
And you'll get to know me better in the long run.
Of course there are rules & a couple o' clues
So stay right here & I'll give you all the news.
I wouldn't want you to get a case o' the blues
While o'er the many pages o' my site you cruise.
You'll be huntin' for 20 o' these sunny gems
And if you're persistent you are sure to find them.
To A Bit O' My Poetry Hunt also stems.
On this page is the first sun, see how sweet I am!

Keep track o' the lucky pages on which you land
As once you have found all o' the suns m'dear friend
The page URL's where you found them you must send.
There will be 20 in all so count them at end.
Now there are two more things that you must also do:
When finished sign my guestbook & I'll visit you.
Then in your email to me you also have to
Tell me your favorite place o'er pages you flew.
Enjoy the journey travelin' this site o' mine,
I await the moment when you drop me a line
I've ev'ry confidence that you shall do just fine
As you Hunt 4 Sun here at abitosunshine!
EnJOY abitosunsunshine...Ruthi
The followin' hunters have found all 20 suns
And I am certain they had quite a bit o' fun!
Not only a delightful award have they won
Their names & links are placed here for a job well done!
#4...Angel Writes


"Golden Ray"
Midi used with permission And is composed and sequenced by Mary Hession
Do Not Remove.
Exclusive Set Created by abitosunshine
Do not remove.
Free JavaScripts provided by The JavaScript Source
All poetry & writings, photos, graphics & midis are copyrighted.
Please respect my wishes that they not be used...
Nor be removed from the pages of abitosunshine...
Without the written permission of myself and/or the artist.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
© 2000-Present, Ruth Cox
