Welcome & enJOY the garden gifts given abitosunshine!
The gift o' thy visit is a pleasure o' mine.
As always, Scratch is delighted to be your guide,
For the treasures you've given have her bright eyed.
Woof woof, Scratch is right here!
Someone brought cookies, so I just had to appear!
In this part o' the garden gifts abound
And I see slready that my favorite can be found!
My momma Ruthi must have let ya'all know
That I love things that go blinkie & thing that glow!
And of course since I'm no longer a rookie
I know how to con visitors out o' doggie cookies!
I do hope that you enJOY your stay
And spend a bit o' time here for play.
And I thank you in advance for the gifts you bring
Now it's time for me to look for more blinkie things!
Now click below 'n' follow me
There's plenty o' things for you to see!
"Golden Ray"
Midi used with permission And is composed and sequenced by Mary Hession
Do Not Remove.
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All poetry & writings, photos, graphics & midis are copyrighted.
Please respect my wishes that they not be used...
Nor be removed from the pages of abitosunshine...
Without the written permission of myself and/or the artist.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
© 2000-present Ruth Cox