Welcome to the garden here at abitosunshine!
The pleasure o' thy visit is certainly mine.
My sweet youngun, Scratch, shall be your guide
For this is where she prefers to run 'n' hide.
Woof woof, Scratch is right here!
Hint, just say "Cookie!" And I'm sure to appear!
It's time to add some color to the bushes, trees 'n' grass
And create a garden o' beauty with a touch o' critter class!
Now all you have to do is send a 130 by 130 square
Then Momma Ruthi will plant it in your space with care.
Here in my garden you'll each have your own special place
And your favorite flower will mark your parkin' space.
So send me your favorite flower, with your name on it please
And your link URL or email so we may find you with ease.
If you have a favorite critter friend, send a square for it too
It's no secret how I love chasin' critters in the garden, I do!
Flora 'n' fauna reside happily here in this well protected landscape,
Tho' we do allow humankind to enter, the sounds o' the city to escape.
Visit the garden often to take a stroll; take time to smell the flowers!
You'll find me rompin' 'round in the grass amid a sweet sun shower!
Now click below 'n' follow me
There's plenty o' things for you to see!
"Golden Ray"
Midi used with permission And is composed and sequenced by Mary Hession
Do Not Remove.
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All poetry & writings, photos, graphics & midis are copyrighted.
Please respect my wishes that they not be used...
Nor be removed from the pages of abitosunshine...
Without the written permission of myself and/or the artist.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
© 2000-present Ruth Cox