In the still o’ the night
Wee creatures beware
Amid the glow o’ moonlight
Do journey with care.
In the quiet o’ the morn
An ominous stare
Where blossoms are being born
Lies a secret snare.
For by night and by day
Midst thicket or rock
The big cats select their prey
In silence they stalk.
Seductive and slender
Balanced head to tail
The huntress o’ golden amber
Her attack never fails.
Silence shall be broken
By sound of a whistle shrill
The screamer pounces on a token
And have it she will.
In disdain or in awe
Fear the golden ghostwalker
For with canines and sheathed claws
Tis a fearsome night stalker.
In the daylight hours
The secret o’ magical splendor
Hidden amid the flowers
Cougar, the cat o’ one color.