"Quilt O' Writers"
I hope you've enJOYed the words from my heart.
Now I would like to share a bit more talent with you.
Herein lies the link to many talented poets and storytellers...
Bound together like pages of a book by patches of a quilt.
For your reading pleasure they gather here...
Click on the quilt patches to visit each author...enJOY!


Ruthi Anna Mae Linda Diana
Suzy Shari Maralyn Mary
Cathy Angie Lloyd Stumbeline
Jeanne Beth Tammy Dianna
Arlene Phil Marsha Tracey
CTherese Lynne Katherine Suzie


VOTE & JOIN this list here...thanks!

A Bit O' My Poetry
Topsites List is for webhomes of Poets.
If you have written poetry & share it within your webhome,
I'd love to include you here on this list!
Hugs & a bit o' sunshine to you...choose JOY!




             Writers & Poets email your square for the quilt!                     


           A Bit O' My Poetry           
"On The Sunny Side Of The Street"
Midi Provided By
Josef Huber

Dream Graphics 2001