Until A Cure Comes Along
Until a cure for the children comes along
Avow for the cause to gather in a throng.
Be guardian angels of the children's plea.
Put simply, actions speak louder than words wee.
Until a cure for the children comes along
Life cannot be bought for the price of a song.
For the right to live we must all pay a fee.
Put simply, it's about being all we can be.
Until a cure for the children comes along
Beside one another stand sure and stand strong.
Devoted volunteers are a crucial key.
Put simply, let's walk the talk rather than flee.
Until a cure for the children comes along
Develop a firm sense of right and of wrong.
Be the change of this world that you want to see.
Put simply, it comes right down to you and to me.
© 2007 Ruth Cox
~Dedicated To~
My friend, Dawn
DQ Productions
The Far Side
Camp Sunrise
F.A.C.E.S. UNIT Children's Hospital
(Family AIDS Clinic and Educational Services)
Columbus, Ohio...March 10, 2007
~a note about my friend Dawn & DQ Productions~
Eleven years ago, a woman named Hambone fell ill,
was hospitalized and on top of it all,
dealt with her home being burglarized during the ordeal.
Knowing that she would be coming home soon,
a group of her close friends decided
to coordinate a fundraiser for her.
Raising enough money to make her
last days enjoyable and comfortable,
these women realized that they could continue to help
others in the community through their efforts.
In addition to the Hambone Memorial Show
(which funds individuals who are
in financial need due to a serious illness),
members of DQ productions have also organized
a Carnival Fundraiser to support children in the
FACES unit at Children’s Hospital
and to help send HIV-impacted youth throughout Ohio
to summer camp at Camp Sunrise.
Over the past several years,
contributions from DQ productions to Camp Sunrise
have totaled over $12,000.
We owe this group of women many thanks
for all of their time and dedication
in support of HIV/AIDS.
This year’s event will take place on March 10, 2007
(6pm) at The Far Side in Columbus, OH.
I am honored to donate this poem
to DQ Productions - Carnival Fundraiser
to be auctioned off to the highest bidder.
For more information about the event, please contact kmckee@atfgc.org
or go to www.sunrisekids.org
and click on upcoming events.
Midi "Angel Eyes"
Used with permission and is © 2001 Bruce DeBoer
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All poetry & writings, photos, graphics & midis are copyrighted.
Please respect my wishes that they not be used...
Nor be removed from the pages of abitosunshine...
Without the written permission of myself or the artist.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
© 2007 Ruth Cox