used with permission - do not remove

It's an angel
Quiltin' bee!
To meet the Angels
Click below & follow me!

click square for WOLL member quilt


          Angel gifts abound!
          Here on this page they are found
          Displayed with the most current gift on top
          Givin' o' the angels will just never stop!



          A thank you gift for her week o' pamperin'!
          ~ Angel of Hummingbirds



          Happy Easter!
          ~ Angel Karenality



          HAPPY PI DAY!!!
          My kids told me today was Pi Day
          so I had to make a graphic for everyone...
          3.14...A math sorta thing...
          And have a slice of Pizza Pi on Me!!
          ~ Angel Karenality


          Used with permission

          Please do not remove

          "Golden Ray"
          Midi used with permission
          And is composed and sequenced by Mary Hession
          Do Not Remove.

          All poetry & writings, photos, graphics & midis are copyrighted.
          Please respect my wishes that they not be used...
          Nor be removed from the pages of abitosunshine...
          Without the written permission of myself or the artist.
          Your cooperation is appreciated.
          © 2007-Present, Ruth Cox

          click to get your blinkie