Theme #1
Most of us know that
March 17th is St. Patrick's Day.
Do you know that this is also
the day the rubber band was invented?
Choosing this challenge,
the Poets tie the two together!

Theme #2
Most of us know that here in the USA
March 20th is the 1st day of Spring.
Do you know that this is also
Big Bird's birthday?
Choosing this challenge,
the Poets tie the two together!

Theme #3
March is celebrated in the USA as
National Women's History Month.
Do you know that March 8th is also
International Women's Day?
Choosing this challenge,
the Poets write themselves into
Women's History!

Whichever themes the Ray O' Poets
choose to write about,
their prompt response must include
the following words in their poem:
Sun-bespeckled Ink
Nuttin' But Sunshine!

NBS! proudly presents
the March poets & their ink!
Suzie aka Ray O' Quilts
Ruthi aka Ray O' Sunshine
