O' Momma Tidbit
In you I'm proud
Thanks for sharin'
With me your child.

From a pile o' pups
Came a delightful gal
She's become a friend
My shadow 'n' my pal.

Thank you Tidbit
For the gift o' sun
Now let's celebrate
Li'l Scratch is one!

© 2002 Ruth Cox

Momma Tidbit's page

NightAngel Ruthi & baby Tidbit
Patches O' Nuttin' & critter friends Lady Mouse & Fitzi 'n' Sasha
Shirley's BigZ Sandy's Dusty Moon's Gizmo
CountryHeart's pups visit Cookie Lloyd's Buttercup
O' Cattz O' Bells Snow Genie's Catty
O' Paws & Poochie Born 1/8/2002

O' looky...I got a blinkie from Tams 'n' Patches!



My very 1st page set...just for Scratch!

Scratch tube provided by O'Nuttin, my friend!

Tidbit & Scratch tube provided by O'Magnolia, my friend!

"African Flower" midi provided by Josef Huber

Free JavaScripts provided by The JavaScript Source

All poetry & writings, photos, graphics & midis are copyrighted.
Please respect my wishes that they not be used...
Nor be removed from the pages of abitosunshine...
Without the written permission of myself and the artist.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
© 2002-Present Ruth Cox