Celebrate The Day O' Thy Birth, My Son
I'm tryin' to pen you a grand poem today
but I'm havin' a difficult time with the rhyme.
I just wanted to tell you in my unique way
that the day o' thy birth rang in prime with a chime.
This day rekindles fond memories o' the past
o' the days o' your early childhood that were good.
Then there are the years by dark shadows overcast
when your adolescense would be misunderstood.
As a young adult you'd live life lost for awhile
leavin' Momma distraught with grief and disbelief.
You'd renew my faith by droppin' in with a smile
and no matter how brief flood my heart with relief.
Together there's nothin' that we cannot withstand
as son and his mother in sync with one another.
I pray God allows us to journey hand in hand
for life's a whole nother thing minus the other.
It's just eleven days into a brand new year
and again I celebrate your worth on this earth.
I hope that you can grasp how deeply I hold dear
each step that you take to soulful mirth and rebirth.
Know that I cherish your good days amid the bad
and pray to the skies that your dreams are realized.
With the warmth o' my spirit I sunnily add
that with wide open eyes it's you I've idealized.
I've success in pennin' a grand poem today
and eased the difficult time I had with the rhyme.
I feel that I've managed in my own unique way
the day o' thy birth to ring in prime with a chime.
©2008 Ruth Cox

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"Celebrate The Day O' Thy Birth, My Son"
Poem is copyright January 10, 2008 by Ruth Cox.
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©2000-present Ruth Cox