Fearful, uncertain, alone...
Travel through what feels a lifetime
Sharing thoughts, fears and dreams with you
From a distance
Only birth can transcend.
Relieved, confident, joined...
Together as mother and son
Blessing the moment of your arrival From a closeness
Only death can surpass.
© 2001 Ruth Cox
Anna Mae & Mother & my son!
Photo taken 1/14/72
It saddens me that this is the only grandchild my Mother held.
Her life was taken
(by her husband)
before my siblings had their children.
Mom called Billy her "Miracle Baby"
I can only guess that it was because eventually
my teen pregnancy
brought me back home to her,
as I had run away from home months before my pregnancy.
With Ruthi, Billy, at age 3, attended his
Mema's funeral.
EnJOY the slideshow o' my son growin' up!
Prayer quilt for William - click above to add a prayer!
My son struggles with his addiction to heroin,
And all that comes to family & friends o'er his addiction.
I believe that with God all things truly are possible
And I never doubt the power o' prayer!
So please, visit his quilt & add your prayer square,
and read my poem for him...
"Hoped-For New Direction"
From the bottom o' my mother's heart...I thank you. |
"He Alone Can Calm Our Storm, My Son"
Stormy seas we've had, so far mother & son have survived.
Click above to visit the page & read the entire poem.
"Celebrate The Day O' Thy Birth, My Son"
Click above to visit the page & poem.
My latest poem for William - click above to visit the page.
A Lifetime of Moments"
Midi used with permission And is composed and sequenced by Bjorne Lynne
Do Not Remove.
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All poetry & writings, photos, graphics & midis are copyrighted.
Please respect my wishes that they not be used...
Nor be removed from the pages of abitosunshine...
Without the written permission of myself or the artist.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
© 2007-Present, Ruth Cox
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