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My Pain

Once again it's thoughts o' motherhood
Consumin' the moments o' my mind.
I ponder the days o' your childhood
Wond'rin' when things became so maligned.

I curse the dreadful days o' darkness
That stole adolescence 'way from you.
The shadows o' your past loom heartless
O'er an optimistic point o' view.

You shared with me a glimpse o' the pain
O' the life that you presently live.
To chase far 'way the thunderous rain
I've but a bit o' sunshine to give.

Life I'd depart to erase the past
That haunts the journey o' your future.
The hope I hold in my heart is vast
For our mother 'n' son adventure.

Once again it's thoughts o' motherhood
Consumin' the moments o' my mind.
Somethin' ne'er to be misunderstood
Is the peace in Heav'n we'll both find.

© 2008 Ruth Cox

Page created with love 'n' tears for my son Billy.

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"Cry Me A River" midi provided by Josef Huber

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Please respect my wishes that they not be used...
Nor be removed from the pages of abitosunshine...
Without the written permission of myself and/or the artist.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
© 2002 Ruth Cox