Women of Strength and Inner Beauty
I joined an internet group today
Just something to do on a dreary day.
Women of Strength and Inner Beauty
An invitation I could not resist.
For something to do on a dreary day
To fill up the minutes o' my mind
This invitation I would not resist
As it just felt like the thing to do at the time.
To fill up the minutes o' my mind
Was my plan when I turned the computer on
It just felt like the thing to do at the time
To go into cyberspace 'n' spread a bit o' sunshine.
The plan when I turned my computer on
Got a bit twisted 'n' came back at me tenfold.
Into cyberspace to spread a bit o' sunshine
Became a gift to me as good as gold.
It got a bit twisted 'n' came back at me tenfold
For some sent their own sunshine my way.
This became a gift to me as good as gold
And delightfully turned grey clouds into blue.
As some sent their own sunshine my way
It warmed the spirit hidden deep in my heart
Delightfully turnin' grey clouds into blue.
And slowly a smile began to curve at my lips.
It warmed the spirit hidden deep in my heart
Women bouncin' my sunshine back at me.
Now quickly a smile began to curve at my lips
Givin' me a feelin' o' value 'n' worth.
Women bouncin' my sunshine back at me.
Women of Strength and Inner Beauty
Givin' me a feelin' o' value 'n' worth.
Glad I joined this internet group today.
©2007 Ruth Cox
Artwork on this page
Used with permission and is copyright by Freydoon Rassouli
Do Not Remove.
"Golden Ray"
Midi used with permission And is composed and sequenced by Mary Hession
Do Not Remove.
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All poetry & writings, photos, graphics & midis are copyrighted.
Please respect my wishes that they not be used...
Nor be removed from the pages of abitosunshine...
Without the written permission of myself and/or the artist.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
© 2000-Present, Ruth Cox
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