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This page is dedicated to
the rantings o' Women With A Unique Soul.
We took a much needed day to renew our spirit by
ranting away for a day!
May 24, 2007

EnJOY ranting sissies!

I am flippin' fed up with puttin' up
with family & so-called friends
in the name o' love
when the flippin' freaks don't have
a flippin' clue how to love anybody
but themselves & don't even do that very
flippin' well either!

When they change
the price of stamps
they should d*mn well tell a person
before they mail sh*t with the wrong stamps!

I wish people would stop
using others pain and unhappiness
for their own personal gain,
making trouble for someone else,
or more trouble in this case,
might make you feel better for a few seconds,
but in the end you end up causing
more hurt and alienating everyone around you!

I WAS ranting
over my MRI at 12:45 am in the morning
but now I rant because I can't remember
what I said in my rant Grrrrr !!!

I hate being hurt,
lied to and deceived
by people who only care for themselves.

People need to know
that being a female in no way makes us weak!

Why do
certain people in my life
have to whine about everything?

Why is it
that the people who are always
complaining they are cold
wear the least clothing all year?

I am so tired of working so hard
and being always broke and never having enough
for any pleasures - I WANT TO BE
RICH, RICH, RICH, lol,lol, hahahahaha!

I'm tired of
big business and idiot job recuiters!

I am so tired of people
thinking they can just run over and abuse me,
but I am suppose to be their life-line
and available for them anytime.

I hate it when males
woo you in the beginning and then
just rip out your heart and stomp on it
as though you mean nothing.

I hate spending every birthday lately
either going to a funeral or preparing for one
as I want so badly to enjoy and celebrate life.

my WWAUS dedication pages

All poetry & writings, photos, graphics & midis are copyrighted.
Please respect my wishes that they not be used...
Nor be removed from the pages of abitosunshine...
Without the written permission of myself and/or the artist.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
© 2000-present Ruth Cox