Hear my plea
Abuse prevention is the key.
Can't ya see
How alcohol is hurtin' me?

Born o' the womb o' fetal alcohol
O' sure, to sleep I would quietly lull
Then bye 'n' bye
This child would cry
Symptoms o' the syndrome leavin' me null.

Hear my plea
Abuse prevention is the key.
Can't ya see
How the shakin' is hurtin' me?

I crave attention so despondently
You pick me up o' so impatiently
Then with such force
Rock back 'n' forth
Shakin' my li'l head so vigorously.

Hear my plea
Abuse prevention is the key.
Can't ya see
Hittin' momma is hurtin' me?

I hear her scream in the wee hours o' night
Dreams interrupted by her woeful plight
Love you renege
Wish I were big
Armed in chivalry I'd be her white knight.

Hear my plea
Abuse prevention is the key.
Can't ya see
Your foul language is hurtin' me?

You strike in disgust with words to offend
To hurt my feelin's is what you intend
Hands to my ears
To squelch the fears
The bullyin' seems to be without end.

Hear my plea
Abuse prevention is the key.
Can't ya see
Unwanted sex is hurtin' me?

Touched in ways that I know are forbidden
Lyin' alone 'n' feelin' guilt-ridden
You plucked my fruit
Leavin' me mute
Incest is taboo 'n' must be hidden.

Hear my plea
Abuse prevention is the key.
Can't ya see
Physical harm is hurtin' me?

In the midst o' dodgin' your sticks 'n' stones
I've quite a collection o' broken bones
Snap, crackle, pop
A limb goes flop
Truth o' my injury remains unknown.

Hear my plea
Abuse prevention is the key.
Can't ya see
Threat to a pet is hurtin' me?

You gave me a puppy, I thought with love
But now you use him as a boxin' glove
To me you yell
I dare not tell
You'll send him to doggie heaven above.

Hear my plea
Abuse prevention is the key.
Can't ya see
Lack o' due care is hurtin' me?

You neglect to treat me with love 'n' care
The shelves in the kitchen cupboards are bare
My tummy aches
My heart does too
To fill my needs I bow my head in prayer.

Hear my plea
Abuse prevention is the key.
Can't ya see
Cry o' the child is hurtin' me?

© 2007 Ruth Cox

Dedicated to the cries o' the abused children o' the world.

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"A Broken Spirit"
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© 2006-Present, Ruth Cox