Domestic Violence defined...
Physical, emotional, sexual or other violence
that takes place between people who are related
(family members, for example)
romantically involved
(living together, for example)
or who had a significant relationship
(an ex-boyfriend and ex-girlfriend, for example)
Also Known As...
physical abuse
emotional abuse
sexual abuse
partner rape
child abuse
verbal abuse
parental abuse
pet abuse
Victim defined...
Loss of life
as a direct result of domestic violence.
(Blessings & a bit o' sunshine to your loved ones.)
Survivor defined...
You have endured domestic violence
and you continue to live in spite of the adversity.
(Blessings & a bit o' sunshine to your future!)
Supporter defined...
You support the end of domestic violence.
(Blessings & a bit o' sunshine to you!)
Domestic Violence Quilt
Survivors, supporters...
or friends or family of a domestic violence victim...
Visit and/or add to my quilt by clicking the link above.
April is...
National Child Abuse Prevention Month
I felt compelled to create something
for the children.
Click the square below for the page & poem,
from my heart...from my past.
A visual testimony to the problem of violence against women...
Never doubt the animal cruelty/domestic violence connection!
April 27, 2007: National Children's Memorial Flag Day
(click the flag to find out more)
Find nearby sex offenders
Pearl bow tube provided by LadyAqua Creations
I chose this tube because
the purple bow is commonly used
for domestic violence
and because this bow looks
like an angel to me.
Free JavaScripts provided by The JavaScript Source
"Spring Rain"
Midi used with permission
And is copyright © 2001 Bruce DeBoer
All poetry & writings, photos, graphics & midis are copyrighted.
Please respect my wishes that they not be used...
Nor be removed from the pages of abitosunshine...
Without the written permission of myself and/or the artist.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
© 2005-Present, Ruth Cox
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