Hoppy Easter abitosunshine friends!

We've a basket o' fun in store for thee
To see what's up just hop along with me!

This page is dedicated to my mother...
...because of her love of dogwood trees.
(read my poem "Dogwood Dreams")

Legend of the Dogwood

At the time of the crucifixion,
the dogwood had reached the size of the mighty oak tree.
So strong and firm was the wood that it
was chosen as the timber for Jesus' cross.

To be used for such a cruel purpose greatly distressed the dogwood.
While nailed upon it, Jesus sensed this,
and in his compassion said,

"Because of your pity for my suffering,
never again shall the dogwood tree
grow large enough to be used for a cross.
Henceforth, it shall be slender, bent, and twisted,
and its blossoms shall be in the form
of a cross–two long and two short petals.

"In the center of the outer edge of each petal
will be the print of nails.
In the center of the flower,
stained with blood,
will be a crown of thorns
so that all who see it will remember."

A kwazy kritter has stolen a dozen eggs from me
Kids will be so disappointed don't ya see!
I've searched abitosunshine & found just one
Please hunt for 11 more & don't stop til yer done!
Each egg is numbered #1 thru #12
Now, onto the pages of abitosunshine ye must delve.
I found #1, now there's just 11 more
Here's an example o' what you're lookin' for...

Just click the button below that says "home"
To find the eggs from there ye must roam.
Once ye've found all o' the eggs m'friend
To me the 11 URLs ye must send.
Just email me here at abitosunshine@abitosunshine.net
And a delightful award in your email box you'll get!
Then hop right along & have a bit more fun
As we celebrate the risin' o' the Son!

The following hunters found all o' the stolen eggs
They received a delightful #1 egg award
For which they didn't even have to beg!


click here for poem

He Is Risen!
Atop Mt. Pleasant in Lancaster, Ohio
Easter morning Sunrise Services 2000

As a child, nearly every year,
Mom would take us all up Mt. Pleasant for Easter.
In 2000, I relived that childhood memory with relatives.
As the sun rose above the mountain and the
Pastor began to speak, this is the photo I took.
And these were the words in my heart.
I had the God given opportunity to share this trip with
my Uncle Bill & Aunt Helen,
My brother Randy and his son Robert,
and my sister Rhonda with her children, Timmy & Tiffany.
What a glorious gift indeed!

Just click the "He Is Risen" bunny above to read the poem.
(page opens in new window)

links open in new window

I've been hippity hoppin' around cyberland
Hopped right into Easter sites that are grand!
Hop along with me
Delightful sites you'll see!
And if you've an Easter page to share
Send me the link & I'll add it to my holiday fare!

2007 State Easter Eggs at The White House

Beliefnet.com - Virtual Easter Egg Hunt

Bugs Story - Forever Sunset2u's Place

Bonnie's Place - He Is Risen

Easter Cards & Fun!

Easter Memory Game

The butterfly - a symbol of resurrection

Annie's "The Jelly Bean Prayer--Revisited" Page

a very special Easter poem

get your chick here & more


My Easter card for you!
link to http://abitosunshine.net/happy/easter07.html

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Please do not remove graphics from Easter pages.

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"There Is Only One"
Midi used with permission
And is copyright ©2005 Sandra Bradley
Do not remove.

All poetry & writings, photos, graphics & midis are copyrighted.
Please respect my wishes that they not be used...
Nor be removed from the pages of abitosunshine...
Without the written permission of myself and/or the artist.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
© 2007-Present, Ruth Cox

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