Sunshine Valentine

You are with me 'n' love me
Each 'n' ev'ry day o' my life
An unconditional love
Like that felt by husband 'n' wife.

You light up my lonesome heart
As bright as the shine o' the sun
Add to each drudgery day
A chuckle 'n' a bit o' fun.

You've proven you are to me
A loved one 'n' true valentine
Forever my companion
Beloved pet, you are my sunshine.

© 2007 Ruth Cox

Poem Dedicated to my treasure of a dog...
...she is truly the spirit o' sunshine!

Quilt dedicated to Tidbit's firstborn pup, my delightful dog, Scratch
And to a pup from Tidbit's last litter, my Uncle Billy's dog, NewBe.
Webset chosen for my turtle, Missy.

Ruthi's MissyRuthi's NewBeRuthi's ScratchRuthi's Tidbit
Rosemary's DustyRita's BonzaiDianna's SkyeDianna's Sable
The Dog WhispererElizabeth's PrincessDebra's KellyBetty's Jamie
Leslie's Jake DanielsKarenality's Abby & BusterKarenality's SimonKarenality's Daisy
Karenality's Izzy aka Isabelle the guinea pigKarenality's daughter with TonyVicki's BuddySarit's Mukki
Lisa's BillLisa's FeeLisa's FieLisa's Foe
Lisa's HerculesLisa's MopDogLisa's RoscoeLisa's Xander
Kris's HardleyJule's Two FaceBrittany's WillieDidi's Thunder
Tam's Sassy & PatchesGranGran's JazSuzie's GusSuzie's Lilo
Diana's BernardVicki's JewelVicki's BearVicki's Maddie
Nadeen's Puff PuffVicky's BearKK's AbbyJanie's Jake
Queenie's Emma

We'd love to add your beloved pet
to our Sunshine Valentine quilt!
Just email us your quilt square,
size 125 by 125
include the page URL to link to
and your name & your critter's name.



"You Are My Sunshine"
Midi provided by
Do Not Remove.

Original Pixel Graphics by:The Pixel Patch

Mouse Fireworks script written by Matt Gabbert,
courtesy of Lissa Explains it All

Free JavaScripts provided by The JavaScript Source

All poetry & writings, photos, graphics & midis are copyrighted.
Please respect my wishes that they not be used...
Nor be removed from the pages of abitosunshine...
Without the written permission of myself and/or the artist.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
© 2000-Present, Ruth Cox