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I'm Quotable!
The quotes below are originals...written by me.
You are welcome to them for personal use.
The only requirement is...
...please leave my name attached to the quote.
And I'd like you to email
to let me know which quote you used & why.

Quotes are listed with most current writing at the top o' the list,
as this helps me in keepin' tabs on my frame o' mind at the time.

"The lady penned a quotable quote
Repeated by others a line at a time.
Bein' remembered for what she wrote
She found herself worthy as a dime in rhyme."

~Ruth Cox

"I write my words with thought and caring,
All the while crucially despairing.
In the act of reading them aloud,
Of what I've written will I be proud?"

~Ruth Cox

"Your pain is no less, your joy is no greater, than that of another.
Your pain is lessened, your joy is greater, when shared with another."

~Ruth Cox

"When the ink runs out o' the pen
to land upon the barren page,
it's like an ol' motherin' hen
lettin' chicks fly out o' the cage."

~Ruth Cox

"The written word can be as fun as playin' in the summer sun."
~Ruth Cox

"I'm a fool for love o' the written word,
wherein cries o' the heart are always heard."

~Ruth Cox

"When I write a bit o' rhyme
With you I share my spirit.
In just a matter o' time
I trust that you shall hear it."

~Ruth Cox

"Writing, as a way to share one's feelings, what's on one's mind.
Often, a bit easier than a face-to-face telling, one may find."

~Ruth Cox

"Writing allows a mind to wander.
What a way a day to squander."

~Ruth Cox

burst! Light disperse
through fog filled morn'; a
spirit, sister, woman - born o'
the dawn."

~Ruth Cox

"I believe that stress can kill
but I'm still here, still alive.
I believe God gave free will
that I would live, would survive."

~Ruth Cox

"If I should wake before I die
I'd spare a friend a teary eye."

~Ruth Cox

"The treasure o' the written word
lies in the spirit from which it is scribed.
The measure o' the written word
lies in the spirit o' the interpretation thereof."

~Ruth Cox

"The words o' the women are the wise.
Just peer intently into their eyes,
they'll speak an enlightening surprise."

~Ruth Cox

"With the whimsy o' the young and the wisdom o' the old,
I'll compose the tallest tale o' love that has ever been told."

~Ruth Cox

"Writin' fact or fiction, in prose or in rhyme,
We writers are all but just about the same.
We'll meet with demise o' the pen in due time,
Our only hope is that some will hail our name."

~Ruth Cox

"Forever is only for as long as it lasts."
~Ruth Cox

I've had some o' my ramblings in print.
Click below to read my letters to the editors...

my opinions in print

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site index    abitosunshine    Ramblings...collection o' quotes

Email me to purchase, do not remove without permission.

"Golden Ray"
Midi used with permission
And is composed and sequenced by Mary Hession
Do Not Remove.

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All poetry & writings, photos, graphics & midis are copyrighted.
Please respect my wishes that they not be used...
Nor be removed from the pages of abitosunshine...
Without the written permission of myself and/or the artist.
Your cooperation is appreciated.

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