Ms. Ruthi welcomes you to...
"abitosunshine...hosting and design"
...a place where your personal webhome dreams
are fulfilled with a delightful dose o' sweet sunshine!

Crafters Special! $125
Artists, needleworkers, writers, and more,
market your wares with a bit o' sunshine!
Domain Name
(1 year)
Web Site Hosting:
(1 year)
*100 GB Web space (plenty for future expansion)
*Web-based e-mail
*Unlimited e-mail aliasesaddresses
Web Design would include
an exclusive web set design
and page layout of 2 pages:
Home page...
Bio, contact, introduction, menu, links, etc.
Gallery page...
Up to 50
thumbnail photos of artwork,
with description of each,
and would include
"click for a larger view" pages
Note: you could set up paypal
on this site, sell the items from here,
then add new items.
Additional pages and/or updating of originals would be considered Site Maintenance and charged accordingly at an agreed upon hourly or per job cost.
If interested, email me privately at...


Site Design
