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Hosting Package Details
Web Hosting Get your personal or small-business Web site up and running! abitosunshine offers robust amounts of disk space, bandwidth, e-mail boxes and site building tools.
Web Site Management abitosunshine offers a variety of tools to help you create and edit a first-class Web site. These tools can get you up and running after only a few minutes, or help you build a masterpiece.
Domain Registration and Services Create a unique identity on the Web with your own domain name. Register a domain today and make your site and e-mail memorable.
OnePlan Windows Hosting Detail The all-inclusive OnePlan Windows solution has everything you need to get going at a no-nonsense annual price!
$89.00/1st year
*includes domain name
registration for 1st year
(Promotional price for first year.)
*100 GB Web space
*1000 GB data transfer
*Unlimited mailboxes
*ShopSite Starter
*Web-based e-mail
*Unlimited e-mail aliases
*Unlimited autoresponders
*5 MySQL Databases
*24/7 customer support
*FTP access
*ASP support
*MS Access Database access
*Server Side Includes (.stm,.shtm,.shtml)
*PHP server extensions
PAYPAL is preferred method of payment. Paypal payment can be made by clicking button below. However, if need be, checks are acceptable. Email Ms. Ruthi for payment arrangements.
For your webhome hosting needs to be fullfilled by abitosunshine, just send me a private email.
Upon receipt of payment, we can proceed with the creation of your personal webhome!