This page is home to numerous things, each holding an importance of its own for abitosunshine. All links to outside sources will open in a new window so you don't lose your place here at and design.
Here you'll find links to my favorite artists, those who permit me to use their work in my designs. Some of these artists charge a fee, some share their artwork free of charge. I also use public domain graphics in my designs, the links to those sources will be found here too. Visit these websites and if you find a piece of usable art you'd like turned into a design for your webhome, share it with me and I'll get the job done!
Here I may also place some of my group memberships and affiliations, as well as a few of the contests and lists in which I participate.
You'll also find that I've decided to participate in link and banner ad exchange - free exchanges, as well as paid exchanges. I firmly believe in networking - building business together. I'm especially interested in networking with those who sell their wares from their personal webhomes. Thus, I do my best to advertise for and with these individuals and that is reflected on this page.
My name is Billy Frank Alexander. I work from home as a freelance graphic artist.
To see my artwork online please visit:
All of the art on this site can be downloaded for free.
I also have some of my artwork at this site:
The images at this site can be purchased.
Please let me know if you like what you see.
Freelance Graphic Artist
Billy Alexander
1969 Woodland Drive
Charlotte, NC 28205
Debra Shiveley Welch was born in Columbus, Ohio and now resides in Westerville, Ohio with her husband, Mark, and her adopted son, Christopher.
Best Selling Author of Son of My Soul - The Adoption of Christopher, A Very Special Child - An Adoption Story
Co-Author of Jesus Gandhi Oma Mae Adams; Scribe for Christopher Bullfrog Catcher
Two-time winner of the Faithwriters Gold Seal of Approval - Outstanding Read and winner of Books and Authors Literary Excellence and Best Non-Fiction Book 2007 Awards.
Debra Shiveley Welch
Many of the designs by abitosunshine
are created from photos and/or artwork from the list below:
Creative Commons
Outlaw by Design
PD Photo
NOAA Photo Library
Joel Hammers, photographer
(personal friend)
AD SPACE AT abitosunshine!
$20 per year!
Email your 125 x 125 ad box with link url.
Upon receipt of PAYPAL payment,
Your ad box is placed on this page.
PAYPAL is preferred method of payment. Paypal payment can be made by clicking button below. However, if need be, checks are acceptable. Email Ms. Ruthi for payment arrangements.
Whether it be a link exchange, banner advertising, or a design you have in mind for your webhome...whatever your concern, I look forward to hearing from you!
Blessings & bit o' sunshine!
Ms. Ruthi