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I had the dream o’ my life last night
And I know that Jesus visited with me.
In sight o’ my very eyes the leaves turned,
Fallin’ upon me from the branches o’ the tree.

A whirl o’ wind ‘n’ away they blew
But the last golden leaf was headin’ my way.
It turned out to be Jesus walkin’ on air
In a beam shinin’ brighter than the light o’ day.

I fell to my knees in Blessed prayer,
Praises o’er the second comin’ o’ my Lord.
On the wings o’ the wind I whispered His name
And o’ my place by His side I now rest assured.

© 2003 Ruth Norman

Lloyd, my dear friend...

On the 30th o' September 2002
I had an MSN chat with you.
One o' many we've had o'er the past few years
Sharin' a bit o' fun, poetry 'n' occasionally tears.
That particular day you shared with me
The fact that in your dream Jesus you did see.
I cried that day right along with you
And wished I could give you a real hug or two.
Now, as you share your hopes 'n' fears with Shirley, your wife
On the wings o' friendship I give you this poem o' the dream o' your life!

Hugs & a bit o' sunshine to thee I send...Ruthi

abitosunshine Ruthi A Bit O' My Poetry
Anneke Dianna Tammy
Marcia Sandi BEE Phil
Deborah Jan Butterfly
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Trish Sassy Sassy
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Please respect my wishes that they not be used...
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Without the written permission of myself and/or the artist.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
© 2000-2003 Ruth Norman