The poem below is my way o' givin' thanks to YOU.
For without each being that has touched my life,
I would not, could not - BE.
As I sit here deep in thought o' thankfulness,
Brought on by a fast approachin' holiday,
I feel compelled to pen words that reassess
Sad memories that refuse to fade away.
I've gathered together the good 'n' the bad
Dancin' around in the corners o' my mind.
If I falter I'm sure to be driven mad,
Bound by emotions that are the ties that bind.
I question whether to put pain in the past,
To where I've oft' been admonished it belongs.
I think o' the hardships I've survived, they are vast,
And the mountains I've climbed to right all the wrongs.
Friends, not all o' the type o' the fair-weathered,
Always believin' in me when I could not,
Angels they've been - for me, needfully feathered -
Forever flyin' me through a dark, weak spot.
The voice within speaks - oh yes, I can hear it -
Words as melodic as a spring weather chart.
Now, with a bit o' sunshine in my spirit,
I welcome peace in my ever thankful heart.
©2008 Ruth Cox
"Give Thanks" midi provided by The Holiday Spot
Angel Tube used to create this webset providedby Tubes by Jadelane
Free JavaScripts provided by The JavaScript Source
Stopping & Starting HTML Marquees provided by
All poetry & writings, photos, graphics & midis are copyrighted.
Please respect my wishes that they not be used...
Nor be removed from the pages of abitosunshine...
Without the written permission of myself and/or the artist.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
© 2008 Ruth Cox