Please do NOT remove without my permission.

Please do NOT remove without my permission.

Welcome to Sun Holidays m'friend!
Here you'll find celebrations never end.
Each category opens in its own window,
Just click upon one & off you'll go!
You'll also find a few games to play,
Which go on forever and a day.
Holiday blessings to thee & to thine
From Ruthi aka abitosunshine!

Please do NOT remove without my permission.

2007    2008

March Jitterbug    2007 - egghunt ongoing!

    poem - My Memorial Day

poem - I Salute    poem - Daddy's Little Girl


    poem - Colors O' the US of A

2008    2008

share a bit o' sunshine

back to sitemap

Please do NOT use graphics/poem without permission.

Tubes used to create this webset by Outlaw by Design

All poetry & writings, photos, graphics & midis are copyrighted.
Please respect my wishes that they not be used...
Nor be removed from the pages of abitosunshine...
Without the written permission of myself and/or the artist.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
© 2000-Present, Ruth Cox