A child is born.
They call his name
Which when interpreted
Means God is with us.
Born in the town of Bethlehem,
To mother Mary and father Joseph.
Who gave his name
Three wise men traveled from the east
Bringing treasures for the newborn babe.
Following the brightly shining star in the heavens
Til it came and stood over the baby before them.
They hail his name
Tidings of joy and glory to God in the highest.
And on earth peace and good will toward men.
The glory of the heavens shone resplendent about them
A multitude of the heavenly host chorused their praises.
Singing his name
Lo and behold! We bring you tidings of great joy, peace and happiness
As you join family and friends in celebration of the birth of the Christ Child.
Praising his name
Christ Jesus.
Our Saviour
Is born.
God Bless.
© 2001 Ruth Cox

Poem Dedicated to my brother Ronnie, born Christmas day 1959.

Joy is the true gift of Christmas,
not the expensive gifts that call for time and money.
Let us pray that this presence
of the liberating joy of God shines forth in our lives.
-Pope Benedict XVI


A Bit O' My Poetry Please take this gift from me to you! Ruthi Ruthi
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