Playful Pets
Bein' a pet owner is an awesome thing,
It's a match for the sun that shines in the spring.
My dogs they bark and my turtle swims around,
To me these are the most glorious o' sounds.
In the past I've had cats that were perfect friends,
And birds that chirped from day's beginnin' to end.
I've had hamsters, guinea pigs, snakes and a goat,
And always have tanks where my fish are afloat.
Whatever the case o' current pet may be,
Each on their own have been a treasure to me.
On this you can wager and you'll win the bet,
Never would I be without my playful pets.
the 25th day o' May 2009 ©Ruth Cox
Playful Pets Dedication Quilt
For staff and participating critters
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for the quilt to the email address below,
and it'll be promptly added to my quilt...thank you!
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