Welcome to Tidbit's Sprit Page!
I'm havin' a bit o' fun
in competition with critter friends.
Here's a bit o' sun
for all o' the votes my way you send!

link gift to this page

Tidbit's pup/daughter Scratch
barks a bit about comps from the cuff
She's a tad bit envious
and ya ought to hear her grrruff
Tho she surely wants her momma to win
cause then it's her turn to strut her stuff!

Tidbit's pup/daughter NewBe
woofs a li'l cheer
to her Momma dear...

rack from Lady Page
Bow wow Momma Ruthi!
Bow wow Gentle Angel!
Bow wow Anniebel!
Bow wow Nadeen!
Bow wow Nadeen!
Bow wow Nadeen!
Bow wow Kellie & Duchess!

Bow wow Rosemary!
From Rosemary...
for winnin' at level 2
congratulations balloons, woohoo!

Bow wow Nadeen!
From Nadeen...
I guess she thinks I'm cute.
She made me a star, what a hoot!

Bow wow Gina!
From my pal Gina...
To cheer Tidbit on, yippee.
She's playin' around just like me!

Bow wow Dusty!
A lovely gift for me
From Dusty the kitty!
Click above & vote for Dusty too
He'll meow a thanks if you do!

Bow wow Dusty!

Bow wow Web Leagues!
My good luck bear came from
The Web Leagues

Click below to visit
My daughter Scratch's Pet Page Playoff.
Add your pet's page to the
Playoff at abitosunshine!
(1 vote per month per isp...that's E-Z!)

Tidbit won September 2007...thank you!

Back to Menagerie
WWAUS News - Interview
DOC D - Pet Vet
Dog Bits
Sunshine Valentine
Lakota Legend
Doggie Quotes

"Dogs And Cats"
Midi used with permission
And is composed and sequenced by
Miami Elementary School students
Do Not Remove.

Free JavaScripts provided by
The JavaScript Source

All poetry & writings, photos,
graphics & midis are copyrighted.
Please respect my wishes that they not be used...
Nor be removed from the pages of abitosunshine...
Without the written permission
of myself and/or the artist.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
© 2002-Present Ruth Cox

Bow wow Mishlady!

This is my Tidbit, this is my girl.
She's not just a gem, she's my canine pearl.
Now if you see fit
Please vote for Tidbit
And she'll bark a bow-wow
For you, her human pal!
Vote twice per day for Tidbit in black
You can easily do 2 votes per ISP, back to back.
Week 1 - February 16 - 19, 2009
Week 2 - February 23 - 26,2009

Again, thanks to you
And all the votin' that you do
I'm a grand champion out o' retirement
Now tryin' to survive pet o' the year excitement!
I'm now at PET OF THE YEAR ya see!
Just click the link to vote - I do thank thee!
Here I must win 2 weeks in a row
Or tis back to retirement I must go!
So with proper etiquette
And the spirit o' one sweet pet
Tidbit takes a doggie bow
Bow-wow-wow-wow o' thanks m'pal!

Bow wow thanks Anniebel!

And thanks to you
And all the votin' that you do
3 weeks at level 3
I've won your hearts I see!
Now they've retired me to the Hall of Fame
Now I'm no longer in that game!
So with proper etiquette
And the spirit o' one sweet pet
Tidbit takes a doggie bow
Bow-wow-wow-wow, thanks m'pal!

Vote for Tidbit's Spirit Page...thank you!

I thank you!

I accepted the challenge!

I advanced to the WIN OUR HEARTS level...thank you!

I advanced to the WIN OUR HEARTS level...thank you!

I advanced to the WIN OUR HEARTS level...thank you!

I advanced to the FAVOURITES level...thank you!

I advanced to the FAVOURITES level...thank you!

I advanced to the FAVOURITES level...thank you!

Please do not remove graphics from my site...thanks!

Bow wow Mishlady!

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